- Aggregates4040 products
- Christmas Products423423 products
- Acrylics2222 products
- Artificial Christmas Trees1414 products
- Fabric Figures4848 products
- Floristry2828 products
- Ornaments & Figurines3636 products
- Seasonal Novelties4646 products
- Table Decorations2323 products
- Train Sets66 products
- Window Decorations88 products
- Wreaths, Garlands, and Swags1515 products
- Christmas Decorations1717 products
- Christmas Lighting146146 products
- Curtain & Net Lights77 products
- Hanging Lights3232 products
- Icicle Lights66 products
- LED Tree Lights66 products
- LED Trees1010 products
- LED Wall Lights1313 products
- Lighting Accessories1010 products
- Micro LED Lights1111 products
- Battery Operated Lights2424 products
- Other Lighting2727 products
- Christmas Tree Stands1414 products
- Compost3232 products
- Dry Goods25282528 products
- Best Sellers238238 products
- Aggregates Best Sellers1414 products
- Compost Best Sellers2828 products
- Edging, Screening & Fencing Best Sellers2727 products
- Garden Care & Fertiliser Best Sellers2929 products
- Garden Essentials Best Sellers1616 products
- Garden Tools & Equipment Best Sellers2222 products
- Gloves & Footwear Best Sellers55 products
- Hanging Baskets & Garden Pots Best Sellers44 products
- Lighting Best Sellers66 products
- Plant Supports Best Sellers66 products
- Propagation Equipment & Accessories Best Sellers2020 products
- Watering & Irrigation Best Sellers2525 products
- Wild Bird Care Best Sellers3737 products
- Bulbs5151 products
- Autumn Bulbs3030 products
- Spring Bulbs2121 products
- Dry Goods Summer Sale126126 products
- Edging, Screening & Fencing5050 products
- Edging Rolls, Panels & Pins1414 products
- Fence Paint & Brushes33 products
- Fencing Wire & Chicken Wire1818 products
- Screening1515 products
- Garden Care & Fertiliser149149 products
- Animal Control1919 products
- Ericaceous Feeds33 products
- Houseplant & Orchid Feeds1010 products
- Insect & Disease Control1616 products
- Knapsack Sprayers99 products
- Lawn Aftercare1414 products
- Lawn Seed77 products
- Multi-Purpose Feeds1313 products
- Slug Control88 products
- Soil Additives55 products
- Specialist Feeds1818 products
- Tomato & Vegetable Feeds77 products
- Weedkiller2020 products
- Garden Lighting2525 products
- Solar Lights2525 products
- Garden Pots254254 products
- Ceramic - Long-life Colour1010 products
- Italian Terracotta Pots - Deroma1616 products
- Lightweight Resin Quality Pots7979 products
- Novelty Garden Planters2020 products
- Value Plastic Garden Pots & Troughs129129 products
- Garden Tools & Equipment234234 products
- Axes & Saws88 products
- Brooms & Brushes1111 products
- Bulb Planting99 products
- Cultivators & Aerators77 products
- Edging Irons33 products
- Forks1919 products
- Hoes & Weeders2121 products
- Rakes1515 products
- Secateurs & Pruners1919 products
- Shears & Loppers3131 products
- Spades & Shovels1616 products
- Strimmers & Leaf Blowers77 products
- Trowels1313 products
- Wolf Tools5454 products
- Attachments4343 products
- Handles1111 products
- Garden Waste, Cleaning & Weed Control5656 products
- Buckets & Flexi Tubs66 products
- Composters & Accelerators55 products
- Incinerators44 products
- Path & Patio Cleaner55 products
- Rubbish Sacks & Sheets1010 products
- Trugs, Tidy Trays & Scoops1010 products
- Weed Control Fabric & Pegs1616 products
- Gloves & Footwear117117 products
- Gloves (Adult)9292 products
- Gloves (Children)77 products
- Kneeler Cushions & Knee Pads1010 products
- Step Stools11 product
- Wellies & Clogs77 products
- Hanging Baskets5555 products
- Basket Liners99 products
- Brackets & Chains1616 products
- Trough Planters55 products
- Vegetable Planters22 products
- Wall Mangers & Flower Bags44 products
- Watering Trays33 products
- Plant Supports5959 products
- Arches & Obelisks44 products
- Cane Caps & Holders77 products
- Plant Supports2828 products
- Support Netting66 products
- Tree Stakes33 products
- Trellis55 products
- Trellis Planters22 products
- Vine Eyes44 products
- Propagation Equipment & Accessories138138 products
- Biodegradable Pots1111 products
- Frost Protection & Heaters99 products
- Greenhouses & Accessories2828 products
- Grow Tunnels & Cold Frames66 products
- Labels & Markers88 products
- Propagators & Seed Kits3131 products
- Rooting Agents, Perlite & Vermiculite99 products
- Shading & Sun Protection22 products
- Sowing Aids & Sieves99 products
- Test Kits & Gauges2222 products
- Securing & Fastening7171 products
- Garden Wire55 products
- Plant Clips & Rings77 products
- Ropes & Bungees77 products
- Screws, Nails, Wall Plugs & Staples1717 products
- Tree & Rose Ties1212 products
- Twine & Raffia1111 products
- Twisty Ties & Cable Ties1212 products
- Seeds964964 products
- Country Value143143 products
- Franchi Seeds4545 products
- Mr Fothergills593593 products
- RHS Flower Seeds5252 products
- RHS Vegetable Seeds4444 products
- Sarah Raven Cut Flower Seeds4545 products
- Sarah Raven Wild Flower Seeds4242 products
- Watering & Irrigation116116 products
- Hose Connectors & Accessories3636 products
- Hose Pipes, Hose Sets, Sprinklers & Reels3232 products
- Spray Guns, Nozzles & Lances1919 products
- Watering Accessories99 products
- Watering Cans & Hand Sprayers2424 products
- Watering Sale3939 products
- Wild Birdcare166166 products
- Basic Seed66 products
- Bird Food & Feeders123123 products
- Bird Houses, baths, feeding stations, tables & drinkers3636 products
- Energy Balls & Feeders2020 products
- Mealworms & Mealworm Feeders77 products
- Nyger Seed & Nyger Feeders33 products
- Peanuts & Peanut Feeders1818 products
- Seed & Nut Feeders33 products
- Seed Feeders1919 products
- Speciality Seed Blends & Sundries2323 products
- Suet Cakes, Suet Treats & Suet Feeders3333 products
- Sunflowers & Sunflower Feeders66 products
- Wildlife44 products
- Best Sellers238238 products
- Hose Sets11 product
- Plants44 products
- Patio & Basket Plants44 products
- Sprinklers & Reels11 product
- Seed Potatoes2828 products
- First Early Seed Potatoes1212 products
- Second Early Seed Potatoes88 products
- Maincrop Seed Potatoes88 products
- Handmade Garlands and Wreaths11 product
Product Range
Plants Galore Product Range
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