10.5cm Patio & Basket Plants

Stunning home grown plants from our Nurseries

6 plants for £10.95
SALE – 15 plants for £15
£2.00 each

Trailing Surfinia (20 colours)

Ideal hanging basket & container plants – fantastic range of unique colours – create a carpet of colour

Trailing Ivy Geranium (9 colours)

Ideal hanging basket & container plants – lush ivy-like foliage adorned with clusters of colourful blooms

Trailing Million Bells (12 colours)

Ideal hanging basket & container plants – produce masses of flowers – create a stunning display

Trailing Bacopa (3 colours)

Ideal hanging basket & container plants – perfect for creating a stunning cascade of colour

Bush & Trailing Fuchsia (30 colours)

Ideal hanging basket & container plants – elegant blooms with vibrant colours for impact

Argyranthemum (14 colours)

Ideal hanging basket & container plants – stunning daisy-like flowers that attract butterflies and bees

We also have many other patio & basket plants available, including Verbena, Convolvulus, Helichrysum, Lysimachia, brachyscome, and Bidens.